Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Running Out of Time

The state isn't backing up the wishes of its largest city. A caption under a recent Seattle Times article picturing Governor Christine Gregoire reads "Gov. Gregoire wants more time to ponder proposal". More time is something that Seattle fans just don't have. With an NBA meeting with Clay Bennett right around the corner, the proposed move of the Sonics is more imminent and possible than ever before. At this time, I can't help but think...

I can't help but think that all of this was avoidable had Schultz given the Sonics the same level of commitment he gave his coffee. I can't help but think that Schultz could have taken the time to solicit Seattle-based buyers when selling the time, as he clearly expressed a desire for the Sonics to remain a Seattle franchise. I can't help but think that Bennett isn't really looking out for the team or its fans, but his pocketbook. That said, he never represented himself as anything but a cunning businessman. Schultz did. Schultz was someone that Seattle fans were told to trust, told to put our faith in. After all, he gave us his word. The NBA will meet, the Sonics may be granted the opportunity to leave our city, and someone will be at fault. The city could have done more, Bennett could have done more, but ultimately, this mess really started with Howard Schultz. I hope all Sonics fans remember that the next time they go to Starbucks.

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